
- F.M. Kitchen Dishwasher Specialists -

Why buy and maintain capital equipment when Workplace Water Services can provide you with the latest fully maintained equipment for one all inclusive, totally tax deductable, low monthly service fee and a guaranteed maximum 4 hour response time?

Our offer:

WWS supply only the very latest, most efficient, environmentally friendly dishwasher equipment at no capital outlay, allowing for off balance sheet accounting and providing the customer with 100% tax deductable and reliable proactive maintenance scheduling with no extra call out fees, no extra breakdown fees, no hidden extra charges.

Our tailored Supply, Install, Service and Maintenance Plan encompasses all these services in one (1) low monthly fee, allowing the FM team peace of mind and certainty in knowing their capacity to deliver is assured by the WWS equipment and onsite (attendance within 4 hours) technical support.

With over 30 years experience in the field WWS understands the everyday frustrations faced by the F.M. team and has developed an "all in one equipment and service provision model".

WWS onsite support technicians are all fully trained, registered, professional trades people and technicians who take pride in their work and have been personally chosen by our management.

WWS meets compliance with all relevant ISO Standards and OHS Acts and Regs, in addition to maintaining a stringent in-house Q.A. and training program.

WWS collates and supplies monthly reports of scheduled and unscheduled callouts for all maintenance and/or service activities during the month (both our preventative and remedial site attendances), allowing the FM team full access to data and equipment status; these reports are always available within one (1) business day of you logging your request on our WWS client services dashboard.

Why buy and maintain capital equipment when Workplace Water Services can provide you with the latest fully maintained equipment for one all inclusive, totally tax deductable, low monthly service fee and a guaranteed maximum 4 hour response time?